Short and Sweet

We have the good news that a major job action by the Writers Guild was averted and an agreement has taken place. This settles a great deal of immediate anxiety for our members and the industry at large. It also gives us a reminder of how important it is to be prepared for the conversations that take place in negotiations, to have our ducks in a row.
With this in mind, I’d like to ask you all to please contribute to our preparation for our own upcoming contract negotiations in three ways:
First, please, please log in your work assignments with the Local when you get hired. This statistical information is an essential component, not only of ongoing administration of the union’s day-to-day process, but also as a tool when discussing specifics in negotiations for better wages and conditions.
Second, please forward your thoughts and ideas regarding proposals for negotiations. We are currently vetting these issues as we prioritize and your input is essential.
And third, take a close look at all the training opportunities being provided to you by the Local and actively engage in this training. It keeps you on the cutting edge of your craft and again, provides valuable documentation of how in tune our membership is with the ongoing tidal wave of technology and workflow evolution saturating our industry. We are a key technology union and the skills we bring to the workplace are fundamental to the success of the entertainment world.
Mark Ulano CAS AMPS
President IATSE Local 695