Dear Colleagues,
Along with the regular operations of our Local, the Board of Directors, and staff, contributing members have been extremely busy taking the following important steps necessary in light of COVID-19.
We are developing guidelines and policy for our unique workflows in this virus-driven reality. We have been working on this since the coronavirus began impacting our community and we have established a very focused Post COVID-19 Practices Committee, chaired by Local 695 Trustee and longtime Board member, Jay Patterson.
We’ve invited members from Narrative, Video Assist, Sports, Documentary, 24-frame VA, Projectionists, ENG, as well as manufacturers and consultants with specialized training, to contribute ideas on areas of concern. We are doing this in conjunction with our parent union (IATSE), sister union Locals, and the employers’ representatives (AMPTP). We are also including international contributions in the scope of our research.
Management has stated the need for mutual respect and cooperation in a spirit of enlightened self-interest. We’re hopeful that this will continue and we will remain fully engaged in this dialog. As IATSE members, we have rights under the law that cannot be waived, and the IATSE is standing behind us.
Each project, entertainment format, and individual craft has unique aspects and requires a fully committed collaboration between production and us, their expert crews, to coordinate best practices. This partnering needs to begin in pre-production, as together; we define hygienic workflows that reflect the actual nature of the particular environment our members will encounter.
Our team is producing important results and has moved far along in developing this WHITE PAPER. We are distilling the best of currently available information.
Naturally this is a “living” document, evolving as we constantly learn more. We continue to welcome your ideas and contributions. Please call the Local.
I believe in the strength of our common purpose, and in the strength of unified action taken by you, the membership of our Local 695 and our sister communities.
Let us pull together in controlling our fears and act on the facts. We are working to restore our industry; it is up to all of us to lend support; and we will succeed.
From the Board of Directors and myself, thank you again for the privilege of serving IATSE Local 695. Please stay safe.
With deepest affection and fraternally yours,
Mark Ulano CAS AMPS
IATSE Local 695