Welcome to the spring edition of Production Sound & Video. We are blossoming with content for your reading enjoyment.
Bryan Cahill writes about the introduction of exoskeletons for boom operators in the hope that this new technology will alleviate the physical stresses of long takes. Stephen Tibbo gives us his working philosophy on Modern Family.

Jim Tanenbaum returns with another of his very informative articles, “How I Got My Godlike Reputation Part 1.” Continuing with numbers, Scott Smith continues with “The Way We Were (Part 4).” Agamemnon Andrianos pens a personal tribute on the passing of Jean Pierre Beauviala, whose engineering brilliance brought us the Cantar recorder and the Aaton camera.
Our Co-editor, James Delhauer, reports on the recent Video Caucus. Eva Rismanforoush contributes “News & Announcements” and the sound award winners.
All in all, a jam-packed issue.
If you have a topic you would like to contribute to this publication, please email us at mag@Local695.com. Expanding the number of members writing for Production Sound & Video would be wonderful.
Richard Lightstone &
James Delhauer