From the President
Dear Fellow Members,
This has been a hard year for many of our members as the business continues to morph into more and more unrecognizable forms. I say to those most affected by these stormy waters: keep heart and positive in spirit. Take this time to double down on the new knowledge needed to stay at the top of your craft. Take this time to become more fully informed about the obligation of service your union holds for you and how to best access this resource for your particular situation. When you act with knowledge, you leverage the strengths of professional union representation.
Read the Local’s Constitution and By-Laws and the contracts under which we work, all available on our official website. Know what you’re paying for and what your rights are. Don’t be timid about the relationship with your union. Define the issues that matter to you and engage. Join committees and express your real-life experience in the development of policy. Your representatives can best focus resources when they have regular input; the institution draws its strength from the participation of its members.
Exercise your right to vote in this election. Make yourself heard.
This holiday season is a time for reflection and strategy and this is where we should be placing our creative energies.
I wish you and your families well and safe holidays to all.
Warmest regards and Fraternally,
Mark Ulano
IATSE Local 695