In Perspective
Howard “Buddy” Alper
Aug. 24, 1930 – Dec. 19, 2012
Soon after completing his service with the U.S. Army, young Buddy Alper found himself with a new career. It was 1955 and the entrylevel job he landed was at that time called “Sound Production Cableman,” placing him front and center in Hollywood’s booming motion picture industry. Learning the ropes on countless soundstages and locations near and far, Buddy gradually worked his way up from Cableman to Microphone Boom Operator and eventually to Production Sound Mixer. His work gave him the opportunity to record sound on such memorable films as Blade Runner, the original Rocky, Little Big Man, Breaking Away, Take the Money and Run and many more, with numerous television credits, including such classics as Dallas and Hawaii Five-O.
Whatever the job, Buddy came to it with passion and a relentless commitment to top-notch production sound recording. His efforts were rewarded with multiple nominations for Academy Awards and BAFTA Awards.

Buddy understood the connection between the work he did and the union that represented him in the workplace, making his contribution to the IATSE with 52 years of active participation as a member of Local 695, including the years spent volunteering as an elected member of the Board of Directors. The day he received his 50-year IATSE Gold Membership Card from International President Thomas C. Short was indeed a proud one for both Buddy and for the members of Local 695.
With a larger-than-life presence that commanded respect wherever he traveled, Buddy Alper was a true champion of promoting the professional goals of recording audio in production, an inspiration to others and one of the most unforgettable persons to have promoted our 83-year history.
Buddy, rest with the angels, where I’m sure your presence will be noted. Thank you for our wonderful Local 695 relationship.
James A. Osburn, CAS
Business Representative
Executive Director