Thank you for participating in Local 695’s Y-16A Training Program! As the Sponsoring Crew, it is important to understand and agree to the following Expectations and Responsibilities:
• To protect the Y-16A Production Sound/Video Trainee and all other Local 695 classifications, I understand that the hiring of a Y-16A Trainee is not intended to displace or replace the role of a Local 695 member. Utilizing a Y-16A Trainee above their classification, without prior explicit approval from the Local, may be considered a violation of the contract and could potentially result in a grievance filed against the Production Company. Additionally, these actions undermine both the core goals of the Program and the hard work of our union Brothers, Sisters, and Kin.
• I will ensure that Production makes all the decisions regarding employment for each respective training placement. This includes receiving prior written approval from Local 695 before hiring any Y-16A Trainee, and before bumping any Y-16A Trainee up to a higher classification, as per the terms of the Basic Agreement. For this Program to flourish, the Sponsoring Crew, the Production Company, and Local 695 must all be on the same page.
• To safeguard the success of the Y-16A Trainee, I am aware that Local 695 will be checking in with both the Sponsoring Crew and the Y-16A Trainee for periodic written Progress Reports.
• It is very important that the Y-16A Trainee, Local 695 and Sponsoring Crew can freely communicate with each other, so that if something has changed significantly on the Production or with the Y-16A Trainee, the Local can respond and/or address all parties involved.
• As a Sponsor, I acknowledge that I am representing the Y-16A Training Program and am responsible for providing my Y-16A Trainee with a safe and informative training experience. This includes constructive criticism in areas that need improvement on, or areas that require more attention to ensure the Trainee’s success.
• Local 695 is available to assist me with any questions, issues, and the like. I will alert Local 695 if I am experiencing problems or inquiring about job-related issues.